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 Now Available

Navigating the "High C's" to Success

By Sandy Rutherford

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Coaching | Programs | Workshops | Accountability | Support | Community

Step into your true self
Step up to your goals
Step into your Inspired Destiny

STOP letting others decide the role you play in your life

Now is the time to step onto the stage,
into the spotlight and own that lead role

That feeling you have that you were meant for more is real


Book a FREE call that will change your life

"The only limits in our life are those we impose on ourselves."

Bob Proctor 


Sandy Rutherford, Founder of Inspired Destinies, and her team are on a mission to assist people worldwide
to step out from behind the scenes of their own life into the spotlight of their dream life.

Step Into Your Inspired Destiny

We are your supporting cast to assist you in
getting clear on your Goals
developing the Self-Image of Your Dreams
and becoming Unstoppable
as the curtain rises on the life you have always wanted.

Meet our Founder, Sandy Rutherford

Hi I'm Sandy, a Success Coach, Mentor and student of Bob Proctor.

If you’re like me, you've experienced many successes in your life, both personally and professionally and in both starring and supporting roles, but you’ve also had your struggles. If you’re like me, you’ve wanted blockbuster success, and you've invested in personal development expecting to see a BIG improvement in your results, only to be disappointed. Changed yes, but not seeing the breakthroughs expected.

I went from high level success in health care and corporate leadership roles to becoming an entrepreneur, expecting the same high and easy success, but it didn’t happen. That was both frustrating and confounding!

Then within a year of being immersed into the simple power of how success works, its step-by-step process, and receiving mentoring and accountability, my whole world began to change. I discovered that the key to benefiting from the most powerful material in the world, taught for over a century, is in the support and environment, and that’s when I took my quantum leaps. That’s when my star really started to rise!

  Coaching Sessions




Speaking Events


You read the books.
You did the courses.

Why are you still stuck and not seeing the results you want?

The FASTPATH to Success is a proven online training program for accelerating success. Designed for both individuals and companies, the FASTPATH to Success contains some of the most powerful material in the world, taught for over a century and is responsible for millions of success stories around the globe.

More about FASTPATH to Success
"Looking back over our short time together I must confess The FASTPATH to Success training was essential in my awakening. Through the training I confirmed:
  • My "Desire" was very real. I did want way more out of my life than I had presently achieved
  • I had to have "Faith" in myself and my abilities to move forward
  • I must "Commit" to my gut feelings and desires and be all in
  • I was not alone. There were people who could help me achieve my dreams.

The FASTPATH to Success awakened me in a way I had never known. The buzz was electric instantly and I have never looked back. Thank you."

Todd Pickett -- Director of Sales, Coface // Investor // Entrepreneur

Become Unstoppable!
Unstoppable Success System & Thinking Into Results

Founded on the top success program in the world, BOB PROCTOR'S THINKING INTO RESULTS, as well as two other show stopping programs that address the areas where every one of us could use some special attention and rehearsal - clarifying and internalizing the success you want, and aligning your self-image to your dream goals..

Everything you want is waiting for you! Financial prosperity, personal fulfillment, endless abundance, joyous relationships, professional rise, an improved self-image, whatever you can dream.

Learn exactly how to achieve your goals – in quantum leaps. By learning how to change your beliefs, your habits, and your paradigms, you’ll become unstuck and achieve what you never believed you could.

Become Unstoppable Today

Carolyn & Melanie took center stage in their own stories and are shining brightly.

Read what they had to say in working with the Inspired Destinies Team.

"Working with Sandy has been a gift, I get to be real  & vulnerable and feel safe and cared for. She's helped me see where I needed to shine some lite on old patterns or behaviours that are not serving me. I know I have an exciting future as I study and continue to stay in the teachings as I see great success from people who've been in these teachings with Bob Proctor and Sandy. I'm so grateful to have her as my coach, she was the right choice for me."

- Carolyn Carman - 
Health and Wellness Coach and Network Marketing Leader

"Since working with Sandy my life has not been the same. I am simply more than everything I ever dreamed of. The best part is I'm not finished yet. There's plenty left of my life to live, discover & become. I look forward to sharing all the powerful moments with Sandy & the life changing program she helps Bob Proctor deliver. Together we become more & achieve more. Book your call today to learn how to live the life of your dreams!"

- Melanie Chiu -
Real Estate Broker and Educator, Entrepreneur

Self-Image of Your Dreams

No more waiting in the wings, no more being upstaged.
It’s your LIFE, and YOU are the star of your show.

Self-Image is your biggest asset AND it’s your biggest block.

Raising your Self-Image so that it aligns and supports your dream goals is the single biggest accelerator to the success you desire.

Step into the Self-Image of Your Dreams

"For those of you who do not know, I am a huge personal development fan and will always be a lifelong learner. When Sandy announced that she was offering a self image course, I jumped at the chance to enroll. I have nothing but good things to say about the course content, the professionalism, hands on involvement and my positive results from the course.

They were so involved, which was amazing and really helpful. I had weekly coaching calls where we discussed the course content and exercises, which were fun and super effective. I already had a good self image, but a few of the exercises completely took it to the next level and supercharged my clarity on who I want to be and what I can accomplish in my life moving forward. If you or anyone you know needs clarity in their life, do not hesitate to call Sandy.

I enjoyed her self image course so much that I enrolled in The Unstoppable Success System. I highly recommend Sandy and her team! Thank you Sandy!"

Karen Di Monte
Lawyer/Partner, Di Monte & Di Monte LLP

Goal Achiever's Forum

Understand how to get clear and emotionally excited about the role you want to play in your future success!

Live your life from your Sweet Spot and within your core values!

Develop that ALL-IN commitment that brings you center stage into the spotlight, and leaves the excuses behind!

Get into immediate and inspired action and “bring down the house”!

Get clear & emotionally revved up about your goals

What is your story?

Define it.

Now take Center Stage!

Only YOU can define what your success, your dream is.

Step into the lead role in your life and achieve celebrity status
in your powerful life story.

The Inspired Destinies team is here
to be your supporting cast.

Book Your Free Call Today

Success Club

We have heard it for years,

"You are the product of your environment and the people you spend time with."

JOIN our high vibe and energized Success Club Community where you will regularly immerse into the most powerful material in the world and work together with us to grow and create a successful new chapter in your power life script.


No More Excuses! 3... 2... 1... ACTION!

"I have had the pleasure of working with Sandy now for over a year. Without a doubt she has provided outstanding coaching in how to set a boundless goal, get past self imposed limits and really achieve success beyond what was thought possible."

- Laurence Herzenberg -
Debt Relief Specialist at 4 Pillars Consulting

"Since I started working with Sandy I have seen a major shift in my focus towards my goals. BIG GOALS. I truly believe that Thinking Into Results will help anyone move towards a positive, prosperous and happy life. DECIDE NOW TO DO IT!"

- Linda Elming-Freda -
Entrepreneur, Owner - Office Time Savers



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